Culture & ideology

Here we look at the role of mainstream culture and ideology and how both work against you and other people by creating and exploiting false beliefs and social divisions.

So this is where we get to the sources of both social stigma and social exclusion - and these are as follows:

Mainstream culture almost always works against you as an individual human being. Mainstream culture exists for the comfort and convenience of organizations, institutions, governments, and other collectivities. Mainstream culture does not exist for your benefit (or anybody else's). Mainstream culture is often what exploits you, fetishizes and sexualizes you, deceives you, infantilizes you, and leaves you with a profound sense of isolation, loneliness and alienation.

Ideology also generally works against you and other people because it locks you into the dynamic of external authority and Ego, and sooner or later brings you into conflict with other people who do not share your ideology or set of beliefs. It doesn't matter whether it's religion, politics, philosophy, or spiritual beliefs, the potential for conflict and division is always there.

Morality and moral reasoning also works against you and is generally divisive and leaves you open to conflict with other people. The problem with morality is that you cannot apply moral reasoning without engaging in moral relativism. Define good. Define bad. Define better. Define worse. What makes your definitions any better or worse than anyone else's definitions.

Competitiveness and a belief in 'survival of the fittest' also often works against you. The roots of social stigma and social exclusion start early in the education system with grades, marks, tests and exams. This is where stigma and bullying begins because no child wants to be seen as average or below average. Competition in sport when it's not taken seriously is no bad thing, but all too often many people take competitiveness far too seriously and this is what leads to the struggles for social, economic and political power and domination culture.

Having an Ego involves getting hurt and being deceived

Generally speaking mainstream culture, ideology, moral reasoning and competitiveness are all insults to your humanity, your integrity and your decency.

This is a hard truth that some of you reading this will struggle to come to terms with. But it needs to be put into words. You cannot be protected in the cradle forever. You cannot remain clueless, oblivious and ignorant forever. It's something which needs to be brought to your attention and other people. All these things above - culture, ideology, morality and so on exist for the convenience and comfort of the organization and the hierarchy. They never exist to be of benefit to the individual human being.

How many times have your sexual desires, career aspirations, financial dealings, and aesthetic desires been squashed, rejected, minimized, trivialized and stomped on by so-called cultural values? If you don't think mainstream culture isn't your enemy go find someone homeless and sleeping in an Oxford Street doorway and ask them what they're getting out of culture and society. Go speak to a retail worker, a GP receptionist, or a nurse and ask them if culture is their friend.

However the good news is that the processes of social stigma and social exclusion can be reversed.